Monday, June 1, 2009

What was God thinking?

Did you ever wonder that? I do, a lot. Why did God create mosquitoes and flies? They are so irksome, and nasty, and plentiful, and just awful. Well, they probably are necessary in the "circle of life" and all but really... there's got to be another way. What I was really wondering though was why did God make a man first? And don't give me the tired jokes about, " 'He' realized 'he' could do better so 'he' made a woman..." I know the "rib" illustration (close to mans heart and under his arm). I mean making man first and bigger and stronger really put him in control. We women are the "helpers", and we do meet the deficiencies that they are born with. Therefore, “Man” was incomplete. Don’t get me wrong; I’m definitely not a man/boy hater. I’m not a crazy fema-nazi. I love men, I live with 4 of them and they are the best! It’s just that God put men in charge and that get so annoying. If all the good men were in charge of things it wouldn’t be so bad. Things could be different. I think they would realize what a pain it is to be ignored in some things. Like when we use a pronoun for God it’s always “He”. Sorry to burst some bubbles but God’s not a man. I know Jesus was, and he had to be, by the very nature of society and customs he was born into. Can you imagine him accomplishing 1/3 of the things he did as a girl/woman in the Middle East during that time. That’s a no-brainer. I just don’t think/believe that men or women are complete on our own. We have these wonderful strengths and weakness that mesh together to make something better and stronger as a unit. It works great in a marriage and it’s also profitable in other relationships too, like siblings, coworkers, partners, etc. It’s just that I see God as complete and men and women are not. God has to be so much more than what “we” are. That’s why I hate to refer to God as “he”. It’s a bit of a slam to me as a woman but it’s such a demotion for the God of all creation. Could that concession be the start of men thinking that they are or can become God? Various religions teach you that God is in you or that you can work your way up to God-status. That’s why I’ll try not to refer to God by pronoun even though using the title God again and again sounds redundant. Anyway, back to the idea of making man first in creation. I don’t mind the ‘right’ men being in charge. Just like I don’t mind men holding the door open for me. And I am so thankful for all the men that have changed my flat tires and lifted the heavy bags I was struggling to maneuver. Still, when I see a man treat a woman like property I wonder… “What was God thinking?” and “How did it come to this?” Sorry I’ve rambled so much I was just... wondering…

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